
The further the exec rises physically the more likely James Burton Telecaster

The further the exec rises physically the more likely James Burton Telecaster
It might was well been $2,000 as I had no means of putting together $250 for that guitar. The next summer when the “Woodstock” movie came out, I was quick to fenderguitarus.com notice that both Pete Townshend and Carlos Santana were using SG specials. I felt like my taste in cheap guitars had been vindicated. That winter I found a 1952 Gibson Les Paul for sale for $25 in Albany Oregon, and so I did manage to find a P-90 equipped guitar that I could afford James Burton Telecaster . But that’s another story.

What can I tell someone new? The heart of the watermelon is the journey not the financial ending. You John Mayer Guitar will have golden moments of innovation and success...try to identify and enjoy those moments because for every one of those there are pot holes. They talk about 'ying and yang' and 'sweet and sour' For every ying and sweet moment there are at least nine sour ones. Watch your inventory and receivables. Keep your office in the center of your structure not the corner or penthouse. Never give more than five strokes in a golf match. Especially to a guy from Kentucky.

But back to the loss of entrepreneurship. Its not like losing your virginity...You remember that. It is gradually distancing yourself from your customer and your product. Symbolically the exec keeps moving to the top floor instead of keeping their offices on the ground floor. The further the exec rises physically the more likely they are creating the opportunity for that next determined caterpillar.

