
your bedroom or a concert hall PRS 408 Guitar

your bedroom or a concert hall PRS 408 Guitar
So as it grew he started putting hisoriginal front label in the sets as a back label and dealers didn't mind asthey were selling and generating profit from a new area of prsguitarmall.com the store. As themomentum grew he switched the labels and put his in the front and the dealersin the back. Double hangnails for us kids...that was if we didnt get libraryduty going through the yellow pages looking for new dealers to contact. If theylooked like a really PRS 408 Guitar big dealer we would rip the page out and my dad would doartwork from the ads logo and sent the dealer some spec strings. It workedabout 90% of the time.
The guitar’s volume potcontrols the level of distortion that the 5E3 generates, and I use the ErnieBall volume pedal to control the ultimate volume. I also have a foot switch that PRS 305 For Sale controls twopre-set levels that I can set on the Unleash. Set the guitar’s volume pot to 5, and you can get Twin Reverb like levels of cleanwith 180 watts to back it up. Orscreaming distortion at virtually any volume level I’ll ever use.
After using the Badcat Unleash at bandpractice, gigs and at home over the last year, it’s now become astaple of my guitar rig. What theUnleash is, is an attenuator/re-amplification device that allows you to takethe output of any amplifier between 2 and 100 watts and scale the output of itup or down to fit the venue: your bedroom or a concert hall.

