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Number One is a “ragged American Stratocaster with 1959 pickups, a ’62 neck, and a ’63 body, reveals upon inspection a brutally worn finish, upside-down tremolo bar, cigarette-burnt headstock”. Vaughan acquired this instrument in 1974 from Ray Hennig’s Heart of Texas Music. When Vaughan took possession fender srv guitar
 of Number One, it was already well worn. The Fender Custom Shop has produced a limited-edition run of Lenny replicas since December 12, 2007, and they are sold by the Guitar Center for $17,000. The guitar is mainly used for "Lenny". In 2004, Lenny was put up for auction and was sold to Guitar Center for $623,500 Austin_-JVaughn_022 What is not as well known is that its previous owner was was another celebrated Texas musician,Christopher Cross. Hennig tells quite a story. As I’ve heard the tale, Cross wanted something “beefier” and traded the Stratocaster for a Les Paul. Stevie had already had a loaner guitar from Hennig, who was pleased to trade it for Cross’ guitar since it was in much better condition.

