Overall Impression: Great for rock and metal, I've been playing for 20 years and this guitar immediately clicked with me. I'd like to get another V with better tuning, it's the only thing that bothers me on it. Always dug the shape and appearance and before acquiring I was a bit curious whether it would be comfortable to
gibson flying v ebony
play and I have to say it's a very comfortable guitar for both stand-up and sit-down playing.

Sound: This Guitar packs an excellent punch to many worlds of music. Whether it be blues, rock, punk, metal. Anything. I use this wonderful Guitar with a Marshall MG100HDFX/MG412 Slant Cab. As goes for any other effects, I have 4 Effects Pedals: (All "Boss") Metal Zone, Flanger, Turbo Distortion, and a Wah-Pedal. The only time I am givin feedback is just when I use my Turbo Distortion pedal. But certainly all of the other sounding is great. Unlike many of his self-absorbed film cohorts, he has put his money where his mouth is, taking the time, resources, and effort to rescue and restore countless gently weeping historic instruments.