If stolen, I would buy it again if I was limited to the amount I paid for it, but if I had more, I might go with a Thunderbird or another Les Paul, or possibly a PRS. I love its easy playability, its tone, its feel, and how it looks so damn good. I'm not terribly pleased with the action, and having the toggle Switch
kirk hammett flying v
at the tone knobs is a problem if you need to Switch quickly. My favorite feature is it's appearance, and the presence that it has.
Pushing the boundaries since its release in the 1950's, The Flying V cemented its place in the rock and roll hall of fame with artists including Dave Davies of The Kinks, Jimmi Hendrix, and Andy Powell. The Limited Run Flying V 120 offers the perfect testament to the original, with time-tested tonewoods, versatile pickups and unparralelled Gibson USA craftmanship.

Whilst shopping for it, I was choosing between this and an Explorer. I picked the Flying V just because the Explorer was too difficult to play standing up. I find the V very easy to play sitting down, as long as you rest the "crotch" of the guitar on your right thigh, or off to the side. I wish that the guitar had a tremolo like the Jimi Hendrix signature Flying V, but alas, I shall make do.