
National Museum of American History Receives Eddie Van Halen's "Frankenstein Replica" Guitar

The Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History has recently acquired the Frankenstein Guitar  Van Halen “Frank 2″ guitar played and made famous by Eddie Van Halen through a partnership donation with frankensteinguitar.net  Fender Musical Instruments.

I try to not take pictures with people without it on. It’s like my Clark Kent as opposed to my Frankenstein Guitar sale Superman. I don’t like to be in Wal-Mart and some dude starts flippin’ out. That really sucks. It happens once in a while, not as much as you would think, and I’m always like, How the fuck did you know it was me? Sometimes they won’t leave you alone, and sometimes they’re cool. But if you’re having dinner with your family it’s like, Come on!

“The museum collects objects that are multidimensional, and this guitar reflects innovation, talent and influence,” said Brent D. Glass, director of the museum. “The guitar moves the museum’s instrument collections into more contemporary history.”

