
Secrets of the Eddie Van Halen Kramer 5150 Guitar

Definitely, one of Eddie’s EVH Kramer 5150 most bizarre guitars. Eddie always likes new and interesting things. The Steinberger caught his attention. The features on this guitar were very futuristic; Active EMG humbuckers, Fiberglass neck and body, no headstock, and EVH Kramer 5150 guitar  a tremolo that seemed nearly impossible to comprehend.

This guitar was used on  evhkramer5150.com  many of the recordings of the first three albums. Anytime you don’t hear a dive-bomb or tremolo, chances are that Eddie was using this guitar. He loved it. The guitar was originally an Ibanez Destroyer which was only made for a few years. Our corporate friends at Gibson Sued for design infringements.

Michael McGuire (Hey Mikey) has been a long time Van Halen Freak, He used to come into the store with his dad when he was just a kid. He would order special parts made up so he could build copies of these fabulous guitars that he loves so much. Eventually he came to work at the store. Mikey became one of our prodigy builders, He caught on quickly and was soon building much better than average guitars.

