
prs custom 24 review

Sling the 'Floyd' Custom 24 round yourshoulder, and your first instinct will be to hit a chord, grab that whammy barand give it a prscustom24.com good yank. We're no different, and this Floyd rose to theoccasion, handling a wide array of dive bombs and Satrianistyle vibratohistrionics with ease, never once threatening to slip out of tune. It's smoothall right, just like the rest of this guitar; from the endlessly playable WideThin neck to the PRS machineheads, the 'Floyd' Custom 24 is prs custom 24 for sale pure class.

The trem however was the biggest prs custom 24 review minus forme. Being a vintage design I did not expect to much in terms of tuningstability, which was actually astoundingly good when mildly used. However thetrem soon showed lots of wear signs (by far worse then the gold trems on the7vwh) and it did need a large amount of maintenance and checking to keep thetuning stability as it is. When compared to other "modern vintage"trem designs this is one of the worst trems I had so far.

