

During the 4 years of use the finish prscustom24.com heldup OK and I had the frets polished up twice. The trem as I said looks like crapnow.All in all I had to experience that for that price tag, there are prs custom 24 for sale muchbetter guitars out there, however said guitars do not have the mysterious imagethat PRS has.

Action, Fit, & Finish Now this has also 2 prs custom 24 review sides. The wood qualityis what you expect from a high price guitar and the neck is amazing in quality.It is a bit on the thicker side compared to modern shred necks, but stillextremely playable. The fingerboard is AAA quality and feels very nice to thetouch. The frets are excellent and were well finished on the new guitar. Thefactory setup was a bit conservative but easily adjustable to my liking.

Sound: The thing sounds amazing. I would sayit's more of a classic rock style guitar. WIth a turn of the 5 way selector youcan go from a Strat to a Les Paul. I'm runing it through a Crate V5112 50 watttube amp. The sound is excellent when clean and distorted. It's got a goodAC/DC sound. But I can get the pinch harmonics out of it as well like Dime orZakk.

